Creating an Album

            Sometimes it happens that you want to draw in silence. You create a drawing or a sculpture and all thoughts are focused on the process. But this very seldom happens to me. Most often I listen to music.

             Before I created my album Dance of the Philosophers in 2017, I had listened to such musicians and composers as: Oleg Karavaitchuk, Cecil Taylor, Ornette Coleman and others. I still enjoy their music. But at that moment I had a desire to hear other sounds, or rather my own improvisation.

Oleg Karavaitchuk

Cecil Taylor

Ornette Coleman

             In the distant school years, I learned to play the accordion. But it was so long ago that I was not able to remember anything from the course taken. And there was not a single musical instrument at my hand. But I found a way out of the current situation. I installed several applications on my computer and started to create my own music. 

At that time I was not going to release an album. I just recorded my improvised music for myself so that I could listen to it while I was working. And I really loved to draw listening to my music. I enjoyed it a lot. And I had a desire to share it. - Music - Painting - Art Book - Video and Music


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